admin – First 2020 The 4th FIRST 2020 International Conference Tue, 27 Oct 2020 14:08:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Templates for Track 1 & Track 2 Mon, 27 Jan 2020 01:53:19 +0000 Templates and guidelines ]]> Call for Papers Tue, 08 Oct 2019 05:25:59 +0000 ]]> VISA Information Tue, 08 Oct 2019 05:15:34 +0000 2016 – The final 169 countries that receive an Indonesia free visa entry

67 Visa On Arrival countries

These are the 169 countries that receive an Indonesia free visa. The countries with an asterisk (*) are the 79 newly added countries for visa free entry.

  1. Afrika Selatan;
  2. Albania;
  3. Aljazair;
  4. Amerika Serikat;
  5. Andorra;
  6. Angola;
  7. Antigua dan Barbuda;
  8. Arab Saudi;
  9. Argentina;
  10. Armenia;
  11. Australia;
  12. Austria;
  13. Azerbaijan;
  14. Bahama;
  15. Bahrain;
  16. Bangladesh;
  17. Barbados;
  18. Belanda;
  19. Belarusia;
  20. Belgia;
  21. Belize;
  22. Benin;
  23. Bhutan;
  24. Bolivia;
  25. Bosnia dan Herzegovina;
  26. Botswana;
  27. Brazil
  28. Brunei Darussalam;
  29. Bulgaria;
  30. Burkina Faso;
  31. Burundi;
  32. Ceko;
  33. Chad;
  34. Chili;
  35. Denmark;
  36. Dominika (Persemakmuran);
  37. Ekuador;
  38. El Salvador;
  39. Estonia;
  40. Fiji;
  41. Filipina;
  42. Finlandia;
  43. Gabon;
  44. Gambia;
  45. Georgia;
  46. Ghana;
  47. Grenada;
  48. Guatemala;
  49. Guyana;
  50. Haiti;
  51. Honduras;
  52. Hongaria;
  53. Hongkong (SAR);
  54. India;
  55. Inggris;
  56. Irlandia;
  57. Islandia;
  58. Italia;
  59. Jamaika;
  60. Jepang;
  61. Jerman;
  62. Kamboja;
  63. Kanada;
  64. Kazakhstan;
  65. Kenya;
  66. Kepulauan Marshall;
  67. Kepulauan Solomon;
  68. Kiribati;
  69. Komoro;
  70. Korea Selatan;
  71. Kosta Rika;
  72. Kroasia;
  73. Kuba;
  74. Kuwait;
  75. Kyrgyzstan;
  76. Laos;
  77. Latvia;
  78. Lebanon;
  79. Lesotho;
  80. Liechtenstein;
  81. Lithuania;
  82. Luksemburg;
  83. Macao (SAR);
  84. Madagaskar;
  85. Makedonia;
  86. Maladewa;
  87. Malawi;
  88. Malaysia;
  89. Mali;
  90. Malta;
  91. Maroko;
  92. Mauritania;
  93. Mauritius;
  94. Meksiko;
  95. Mesir;
  96. Moldova;
  97. Monako;
  98. Mongolia;
  99. Mozambik;
  100. Myanmar;
  101. Namibia;
  102. Nauru;
  103. Nepal;
  104. Nikaragua;
  105. Norwegia;
  106. Oman;
  107. Palau;
  108. Palestina;
  109. Panama;
  110. Pantai Gading;
  111. Papua Nugini;
  112. Paraguay;
  113. Perancis;
  114. Peru;
  115. Polandia;
  116. Portugal;
  117. Puerto Rico;
  118. Qatar;
  119. Republik Dominika;
  120. Romania;
  121. Rusia;
  122. Rwanda;
  123. Saint Kitts dan Navis;
  124. Saint Lucia;
  125. Saint Vincent dan Grenadis;
  126. Samoa;
  127. San Marino;
  128. Sao Tome dan Principe;
  129. Selandia Baru;
  130. Senegal;
  131. Serbia;
  132. Seychelles;
  133. Singapura;
  134. Siprus;
  135. Slovakia;
  136. Slovenia;
  137. Spanyol;
  138. Sri Lanka;
  139. Suriname;
  140. Swaziland;
  141. Swedia;
  142. Swiss;
  143. Taiwan;
  144. Tajikistan;
  145. Tahta Suci Vatikan;
  146. Tanjung Verde;
  147. Tanzania;
  148. Thailand;
  149. Timor Leste;
  150. Togo;
  151. Tonga;
  152. Trinidad dan Tobago;
  153. Tunisia;
  154. Turki;
  155. Turkmenistan;
  156. Tuvalu;
  157. Uganda;
  158. Ukraina;
  159. Uni Emirat Arab;
  160. Uruguay;
  161. Tiongkok;
  162. Uzbekistan;
  163. Vanuatu;
  164. Venezuela;
  165. Vietnam;
  166. Yordania;
  167. Yunani;
  168. Zambia;
  169. Zimbabwe.
post 2 Tue, 08 Oct 2019 04:13:01 +0000 ]]> TRACK 3 Tue, 08 Oct 2019 03:50:46 +0000 TRACK 3: Social Science (on process submitted to SCOPUS/ Web of Science proceeding)

  • Economics;Development;Accounting;Business Management;Finance; Entrepreneurship; Human Resources; Humas Capital; Tourism and Hhospitality; Education; Language; Communication; Law; Regulation; Public Policy; Humanity Innovation; Behaviour; Social Cchallenges; Service Learning; Art and Culture
TRACK 2 Tue, 08 Oct 2019 03:43:19 +0000 TRACK 2: Computer Science and ICT

  • Big Data; Internet of Things; Computer security; Deep Learning; Data Mining; Intelligent System; Information System; Natural language Processing; Embedded System; Networking and Data Communication; Enterprise Resource Planning; Service Oriented Architecture; E-bossiness; IT Risk and Disaster; Multimedia; Computer Graphics; Computer Vision; Digital Signal Processing; Data Base Storage.
TRACK 1 Tue, 08 Oct 2019 03:39:46 +0000 TRACK 1: Engineering and Science

  • Power Electronics and Drive System; Electrical; Control Engineering and Instrumentation; Instrumental and Control Applications; Electronics Devices/Design and System; Telecommunications and Information Systems; Communication Network and System; Antenna and Wave Propagation; Renewable Energy, High Voltage, Materials, Transmission and Distribution System.
  • Energy and Fuels; Advanced Materials; Catalysis and Reaction Engineering; Water and Waste Treatment; Separation and Purification Technology; Food and Bio Engineering; Nano Technology; Environmental, Safety, Health and Risk Management.
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering; Construction Engineering and Management; Geographical Information Systems; Geotechnical Analysis and Design; Infrastructure Life-Cycle Management; Applied Computer for Civil and Environmental Engineering.
  • Applied Mechanics and Control System; Fluid Dynamics; Fluid Mechanics; Dynamic and Vibration; Mechatronic and Mechanical Design; Manufacture; Fuel and Combustion.

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